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Meeting at: California Lutheran High School
31970 Wildomar Trail
Wildomar, CA  92595
Youth Bible Study
Living Hope believes that our youth should get in the habit of growing and learning in God's Word, even from a young age. We have opportunities for youth from infancy through young-adulthood to mature in their faith through study of God's Word.
  • Children’s Sunday School – for ages Pre-K to 6th Grade.  This class introduces children to their Savior and the basic Bible stories.  
  • Catechism Class – This is for children in 7th and 8th Grade.  Pastor Schroeder meets with the students to teach them the basics of the Christian faith using the 6 parts of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.  Parents are invited and encouraged to attend with their children.  If you have a child who is ready for Catechism instruction, classes are arranged to meet your schedule.

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